Sunday, April 3, 2022


    Hey guys! It was my birthday last week, I had a great time! I went out with my family to eat at an Aegean bistro and the food was delicious! It made me feel nostalgic because the inside of the restaurant transports you to another atmosphere, one that really reminded me of Brazil and finding beauty in its simplicity. Afterwards, I went to the Lightning Oscars with my friends and I got goosebumps from this guy singing... it was also kind of funny. Anyways, after me and my friends went out to eat at a japanese restaurant and I tried a new food. I also got free dessert ;P

     I am also having a life crisis because I don't want to be 18, I don't know why and I can't really explain it but it makes me think about how time flies so fast that I feel like I have absolutely no control over it ( which I really don't heh...heh). It's like grabbing sand. This fear is real people, I swear it's been haunting me recently.

   But besides from that, I guess I'm doing good? It's a lot :D

                                             this is how I feel now.

I wanted to film on Friday right? Heh, guess what? I HAD NO VOICE ON FRIDAY. Great. All I needed. And I'm the main actress so like aaaaah help omg I was so frustrated. 

I told myself " no Mel, It's okay, you can just film on Saturday, it'll all be fine. RIGHT???" No. It wasn't all fine. Basically everything went wrong :D!  HAHAHAHA!!!!!! I talked to my cameraman to see if he was ready to film and he said that he was going out with his family (sad sad angry face). We had scheduled together, I wanted to cry. When I thought it was bad, it got worse. I was going to go outside and try to film some scenes by myself, but I looked up and THE SKY WAS SO CLOUDY AND UGLY. But, the thing is, if it was a storm, a thunderstorm even, it would have been okay, you know? But NO. It was just a very shitty rain that wasn't rainy enough for my sad scene nor sunny enough for my happy days. So here I am, dying. 

I talked to my cameraman and explained my situation and we're going to film on Tuesday and Wednesday. I am nervous and I feel anxious and I can't sleep :D!

My plan is, after I film, this is my top priority above all, above sleeping, above breathing. Edit, Edit, Edit.

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          Couleur du Jour is a short film inspired by the idea of having “perfection” in society. It questions whether having a “perfect” li...