Sunday, March 13, 2022


 Hey guys!!! Today I wanted to do research on editing because while I was doing the storyboard I remembered that I should learn more about some camera movements and composition techniques. It’s also nice to be able to step back from making scripts and a storyboard to see if everything works together.

Shot/ Reverse Shot

-shows dialogue between characters

-show person a’s face, then show person b’s face and this helps show their reactions

Continuity editing

-character looks at an object aqay from the camera view and then there’s a shot of what the character was looking at

-This includes POV shots and action match

Graphic match

- cut between two different objects, spaces or compositions in which two objects match

Crosscutting/Parallel Editing

-tells that two settings are happening at the same time

-keeps cutting from one action to another


- interrupts a continuous scene

-typically cuts back to the first shot

-helps create context and timing for an action

- good for fixing mistakes


-shot of the same thing filmed from a different angle

-visual interest

Jump cut

- two sequential shots that are similar

- develops timing and creates a sense of madness


-when someone looks at the camera, it brings attention to them

-light placement matters

-consider the rule of 2/3

- depth of field- distance between closest and farthest objects from the camera

- deep focus- entire image is sharp, has a small deprh of field


-doesnt move the camera

- gives the impression of movement

zooming in- tighter

zooming out- looser

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